TOP - お米

日和ファームのお米について About the rice in Hiyori farm


Rice that is tender and tasty, working with nature


The rice on Hiyori farm is cultivated using no chemicals.
Not even using any of the natural compost or natural chemicals, even using bacteria life cycle to our advantage,
we do all the work like weeding by hand.
This rice has a taste rating of 87 out of 100 and ranks is S rank.
The soft and light taste that we have manage to make through using this nature is enjoyed through the generations.

自然と寄り添うやさしく、おいしいお米 Rice that is tender and tasty, working with nature


The rice on Hiyori farm is cultivated using no chemicals.
Not even using any of the natural compost or natural chemicals, even using bacteria life cycle to our advantage,
we do all the work like weeding by hand.
This rice has a taste rating of 87 out of 100 and ranks is S rank.
The soft and light taste that we have manage to make through using this nature is enjoyed through the generations.

安心で、高い栄養価 Reliably high nutrients

胚芽米は精米された状態と比較するとたんぱく質3倍、食物繊維2.5倍、鉄2.5倍、ビタミンB1 5.5倍、マグネシウム2.5倍、亜鉛1.2倍です。

Ordinary rice has chemicals stuck in the bran of the rice but Hiyori farm uses no chemicals.
Also half milled rice is much kinder to the digestive system than brown rice,so we can recommend it to young children and the elderly.
Half milled rice has 3 times more protein,2.5 times dietary fiber, 2.5 times more iron, 5.5times more vitamin B1, 2.5 times more magnesium,
and 1.2 times more zinc.

※These numbers are from our own research.

安心で、高い栄養価> Reliably high nutrients>

胚芽米は精米された状態と比較するとたんぱく質3倍、食物繊維2.5倍、鉄2.5倍、ビタミンB1 5.5倍、マグネシウム2.5倍、亜鉛1.2倍です。

Ordinary rice has chemicals stuck in the bran of the rice but Hiyori farm uses no chemicals.
Also half milled rice is much kinder to the digestive system than brown rice,so we can recommend it to young children and the elderly.
Half milled rice has 3 times more protein,2.5 times dietary fiber, 2.5 times more iron, 5.5times more vitamin B1, 2.5 times more magnesium,
and 1.2 times more zinc.

※These numbers are from our own research.

お米の炊き方 How to bake the rice

1. 保管について

1. How to store


Unpolished rice is kept in a paulownia box and changed into half milled rice before eaten.
we do not store it in the fridge.

2. お米の研ぎ方について

2. How to polish the rice

胚芽米をザルに入れ、大きめのボールにセットします。ボールのふちからお水を丁寧に注ぎます。 このときのお水は、水道水ではなく、きれいなお水を使うようにしましょう。

First place the half milled rice in a basket called "Zaru" Set this into a bowl and pour clean water into it. (try to use clean water as possible.)


After this turn the boul left and right to wash the rice.


After washing the rice drain the rice in the zaru.

3. 炊きかたについて

3. How to cook the rice


Put the rice into a pot and cook it by adding more water into it.


Our customers voice



今日無事お米が届きました。早速いただいたのですが、いくらでもスルスルと食べられて しまう感じで、とても美味しかったです。これから毎日いただけるのがとても嬉しいです。

Today the rice came safely. I tried it out straight away and it was light and easy to eat but also tasty. Thinking I can eat this every day now makes me feel happy.



日曜にお米が届きまして、さっそくその晩、頂きました。 こんな雑味のない玄米は初めてで、昨年のカボチャ以上に感動しました。 整っているというか、美しい美味しさがあって、

On sunday the rice arrived so i tried it out. I had never experienced brown rice this pure before and was struck harder than last years pumpkin. It had a sort of beautiful taste to it. I usually eat bread but for the first time am looking forward to eating rice.



先日はお米をお送りくださいまして、ありがとうございました。 お米の香りと甘みがあって、お米だけで食べたいくらいで、他のおかずの味と混じるのがおしい気がします。

Thank You for sending me this rice. The sent was sweet and the taste was so good i could eat it on its own. Mixing it with side dishes will probably make it even better.


How to order


We are able to send this rice to your doorstep. Please check the online store.